Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So Long, Farewell,

Auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

Monkey is officially on his way to Tennessee. I know one guy who is already sad.

We really enjoyed his visit.


Hit 40 said...

Cute! I just started blogging. And, I am taking my kid's stuffed animal with me because I do not want to put on my real kids. But I like the monkey better.

J said...

Ohhhhhhh, they are so cute together! I'm sure Monkey will miss Winston too.

BLC :o said...

Aweeee! Too cute. They look like bff's. I tagged Monkey for a blog award. Pick it up when ready! Xoxo-BLC

Mel said...

Monkey has been on his travels for a year now!!

tommie said...

Where is the little monkey??