Monday, February 23, 2009

Monkey goes Junior League

Knowing how the Junior League is near and dear to Lisagh's heart, I was 'specially happy to be able to bring Monkey with me to my Junior League placement today! This year I'm co-chairing the Jr. League of St. Petersburg's longest standing committee, Library Puppets. For over 75 years the League has been performing puppet shows for kids at the Main Library; this year we've performed "Horton Hatches the Egg" by Dr. Seuss for more than 3000 children. Because I'm in the show, I wasn't able to get any pictures during but here are some before and after's:

From empty stage....

to (almost) full house!

Monkey meeting some of the cast - Mayzie and Orangutan. (Horton wasn't available.)

We're saying goodbye to Monkey tomorrow morning as he heads off to his next destination. I have to say he's been the ideal houseguest - neat, quiet and undemanding. He's welcome here anytime! Bon voyage, Monkey!

1 comment:

lisagh said...

I am sooooo pleased Monkey got to attend a League event – how fantastic. Monkey is a boy, but his momma is a member of the JL Annapolis, so he always supports building better communities!