We coudn't let the moment pass without a picture and monkey was all too happy to oblige. He climbed right atop the bear head and smiled away.
Our photographer was so kind and enthusiastic, she insisted on trying a different location because she was worried about the glare. Monkey really does bring people together. Our Caribou "barrista" wanted in on the fun too!
Afterward, I headed to Winston-Salem to meet up with one of my clients. She had so much fun reading Monkey's passport, she was sad that she wasn't on the Monkey bandwagon too!
Tonight was my last meeting with my group from Salem College (my alma mater and where I serve 10 hours a week as one of their campus ministers). We went to Crisis Control Ministries work in their food pantry and Monkey pitched in too. Monkey's not afraid of a little hard work. He climbed right in the big box to sort cans with Rebekah and Faith.
Next on our agenda was making boxes for Operation Christmas child. Monkey was kind to help us with quality control by playing with all of the toys.
Finally, we went to a Winston-Salem local favorite, George's Grecian Corner. George's is pretty much a hole in the wall located almost exactly under the I-40 bridge, but it is yummy and the staff is so sweet. It was actually featured in the movie Mr. Destiny.

At last, it was time to bring Monkey home. Apparently somebody couldn't wait to meet him. He was hanging out on the kitchen counter while I sorted my stuff out, but when i walked back into the room. I found that no introductions were necessary. Someone had already done that for me.
As you can see, we're all eager to make Monkey feel right at home.
So good to meet you too, Amanda! Great post by the way ... Monkey was probably thrilled to be out and about and not hear babies crying! I miss him already. have fun!
It looks like the Monkey trip is back on track! I'm soooo grateful to Chloe, Susan and Amanda - you girls are doin' it right! Thank you so much.
I am so envious of that Monkey too - I can tell he's having the best time ever, meeting wonderful people, doing important and meaningful things... what a lucky Monkey.
ok, my first time here...and i see that monkey has quite a busy schedule! wow! who knew a sockey guy could know so many pretty ladies and have so much to do. super cute!!!
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