Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Camp ho!

When the weekend arrived, we packed up and headed out to the island. Monkey generously offered to help me gather the items we needed to take with us.

Monkey was disappointed to learn that silly Manny neglected to register the boat, so there would be no sailing. His frown turned upside down when we arrived at the marina and discovered that monkeys don't need special licenses to operate power boats in Maine. He quickly accepted the captain's seat and cracked open a Sam Summer, and we headed off down the lake.

When we woke up on Saturday, the weather was gorgeous. Monkey did a little fishing, toured the lake, and played with Fuzzy Puppy. Most importantly, he was a quick study at the two most important activities at camp: reading and relaxing.

Monkey was such a fantastic guest that we were sad to see him head off to Boston. He's welcome back anytime.


lisagh said...

What a wonderful hostess you were, Meg! I laughed out loud at the hammock pic. Thank you so much :)

Meg said...

Such fabulous photos of Monkey! What a great trip.

Meg said...

Anytime, L, anytime. :)

jillskict said...

Oh that looks like a fabulous weekend, looks like you got awesome weather too!