Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Monkey

Dear Monkey.

I just wanted to let you know that your cousins arrived in the U.S. safely. I found Madeline Monkey to be quite pleasant, but I was a little shocked at her husband. When you said he was a captain, I thought you meant a sea captain. Did you know he's a bloody pirate and that he brought a sword? Monkey, you should have warned me. Oh yes, and I do have a question for you -- does he ever speak of anything else but rum?

I guess all will be okay in the end and I am happy to provide them with a home. It's difficult to move so far away from home.

And Monkey? I really will get that package in the mail. It's just that I keep forgetting to take it with me when I step out to lunch.

Well, that's all. Here's a picture of your cousins. Like I said, they are doing quite well ... all things considered.

Your friend. Christy.

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