Sunday, December 28, 2008

Old Salem

On our way down to Charlotte to see Neil, we had to make a pit stop in Winston-Salem to pick something up. Since it was dark when Monkey was there to meet with the girls and help out at the food bank, we drove through Old Salem. Old Salem is a reenactment village set up to demonstrate what life was like in the 1700s when the Moravians first traveled to North Carolina. Old Salem is also the home to my Alma Mater, Salem College. The village is full of traditions and handicrafts year round, but is especially buzzing at Christmas time. He couldn't believe the line for the Candle Tea and it wasn't even dark yet!

Monkey was so excited to see the horse and carriage and begged for a ride, unfortunately, we were in a hurry.

Monkey thought the buildings were pretty and enjoyed learning a little bit about Moravian culture and architecture as we drove through. he is with some of the older buildings. The yellow one is the Salem Tavern. They housed and fed George Washington back in the day and one of my bridal showers back in '07. :) He was especially intrigued by the setting with historic Old Salem in the foreground and thePenis buiding Wachovia building in the back ground.
Monkey was so fascinated by the building, he made me get a little closer for a better shot.

His mother's child, he couldn't resist checking out the shops for a minute too! He helped me make a pressed penny for Freddie and tried out a few of the traditional Moravian holiday items.

We made friends with the gift shop lady and she said that Flat Stanley had recently traveled through. Too bad we missed him!

Monkey really seemed to enjoy Old Salem. He was trying to talk them into making this one of their new post cards.

I'm especially grateful to Monkey for encouraging this visit. It was my first time visiting the fancy schmancy new visitor's center across the street, and I always love Old Salem when it's decorated for the holiday.


lisagh said...

He really is having a most wonderful adventure. The more I see, the more jealous I become!

goooooood girl said...

your blog is feel good......