Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mischievious Monkey

Monkey was a little bit naughty on his first day here ...

I caught him riding around on Zoe's back. He decided that she made for pretty good transportation, but he didn't take her up on her offer for a walk around the block.

He felt at home hanging out in the faux palm tree. No bananas though, so he ventured on.

Swinging from the chandelier was fun, but he sensed someone was watching him.

"What's this?" he said. "Other monkeys in the house!?" Monkey didn't seem very excited to see two other little sock monkeys peeking out at him. Luckily, he quickly became friends with Maddy and Libby's sock monkeys that they are getting on Christmas morning. (Shhhh, don't tell.)


a. said...

I love them all especially the one of him crossing his arms. Very cute.

Unknown said...

Yay! It's so nice to see Monkey on the road again. :) Love that he's found his "peeps"!

Ned said...

I am so happy he is no longer afraid of labs!

lisagh said...

He's a mischievous little guy - you have to watch him!

Mel said...

I can't believe Monkey was just up in Myrtle Beach over Thanksgiving. That's just a couple of hours away! And now, he's just up in North Carolina, our neighbor to the North! I'm not sure how the timing is going to be when he arrives in Charleston, but if he gets here right before Christmas, he'll be coming to South DAKOTA with us for a wedding! He is definitely well traveled considering his short life!